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Website content 500 ₹1,000 $50
Landing page 500 ₹1,000 $50
Brochure copy 500 ₹1,000 $50
E-book writing 500 ₹1,000 $50
Marketing email 100 ₹200 $10
Product description 100 ₹200 $10
Social media content 100 ₹200 $10
Blog post 500 ₹500 $25
Article 500 ₹500 $25
Newsletter 500 ₹500 $25
Keywords research NA ₹500 $25
On-page SEO * Per page ₹500 $25
Copy editing 500 ₹500 $25
Proofreading 500 ₹300 $15
Content makeover ** 500 ₹1,500 $75

* On-page SEO includes optimizing the content of a webpage to improve search engine ranking. This includes optimizing the main content as well as heading tags, img tags, alt tags, meta description, etc. 

** Content makeover is a complete revamp of your existing content. It includes content writing, editing, proofreading, and on-page SEO.

Website copy 500 ₹ 1,000 $50
Landing page 500 ₹ 1,500 $75
Blog post 1,000 ₹ 1,000 $50
Article 1,000 ₹ 1,000 $50
Brochure copy 500 ₹ 1,000 $50
Marketing email 250 ₹ 500 $25
Newsletter 500 ₹ 500 $25
E-book writing 500 ₹ 1,000 $50
Product description 250 ₹ 500 $25
Social media content 100 ₹ 200 $10
Keywords research* NA ₹ 500 $25
On-page SEO* Per page ₹ 500 $25
Copy editing 500 ₹ 500 $25
Proofreading 500 ₹ 300 $15
Content makeover** 500 ₹ 1,500 $75

* These two SEO services are NOT included in the project prices and are charged seperately over and above the base project price.

** Content makeover is a complete revamp of your existing content to make it more appealing, professional, persuasive, web-friendly, and SEO optimized.

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